Force measurement at high temperature
HAEHNE offers force measuring sensors that reliably measure at temperatures of up to 300 °C. Again and again, our customers need to measure the forces that apply in their systems even at high temperatures reliable.
Whether in textile or steel applications or in the process industry, temperatures of more than 100 °C often occur, making it for standard load cells difficult. By using special temperature-resistant materials and temperature compensation elements, almost all sensors from the HAEHNE product program can be designed for elevated temperatures.
In order to simplify the problem of the sensors selection, HAEHNE has predefined temperature classes that are offered as an additional option:
H1 to +120 °C
H2 to +200 °C
H3 to +300 ° C
Incidentally, this also goes vice versa. For low temperatures, you can choose between the following options:
M1 to -20 °C
M2 to -40 °C
Info about the sensor ordering for the desired temperature range